
007 nightfire maps goldeneye source
007 nightfire maps goldeneye source

Then again I started playing through Goldeneye again a couple weeks ago and have enjoyed the spats of multiplayer quite a bit. They were amazing, but by todays standards they are very plain and lack gusto. Is this to say that the stages are bad? No, but I do not believe that most people will be willing to put in anywhere near the amount of time the use to on them.

007 nightfire maps goldeneye source

But after playing them for a few hours you will remember that the Facility is bottlenecked at the bullet proof glass, the hiding spots in complex are nigh useless, and that still nobody remembers those holes in the Temple’s walls. If you played the game to the extent that the majority of us did, you will still remember the hiding spots in the Complex, the high holes in the Temple’s main room, and ofcourse the bullet proof glass in the Facility, they will seem like old friends. Though after ten years of playing Temple it grows quite stale. From the open breezeways of the Temple, to the labyrinth like Complex, to the harrowing halls of the Facility, the stages had the right amount of everything to make for epic battles of supremacy. Goldeneyes is not so much unique as it is an example of utter brilliance. Sure it means on a 1 on 1 game but you will get a more modern control style. And if you cannot get use to the single joystick controls, pick one of the 2.1 control styles and grab another controller. They may seem alittle akward at first, but after a couple games you will feel the groove coming back. The controls are still spot on, and have been added into more modern games as optional controls (in Halo that is Legacy with the triggers in Southpaw). “Use the joystick to move and the trigger to shoot, blue button opens doors and reloads the gun” with that basic rundown of controls most anyone could join you until they either wanted to learn the more advanced controls or became bored of the game (this would become commonplace if you played with people who always hunted down the new players, you all know what I am talking about). While not as simple as Mario Kart 64, compared to other FPSs, Goldeneye’s control scheme was intuitive enough that even the very casual gamers could pick up the majority of the nuances with just a handful of games under their belts. Simplicity was what made Goldeneye unique and special. Predating Half Life by a year, Goldeneye provided us a reason to gather up the troops and stalk the halls of the temple.


Sure there were the PC fans who had played through Wolfenstien 3D, Rise of the Triad, or Doom 1 & 2, but the casual crowd had yet been exposed to slaughtering their friends for fun. Bringing four-player FPS multiplayer to a console was unheard of at the time to the vast majority of gamers. I hope you enjoy it.įew games have caused as much awe and frustration as Rareware’s 1997 Goldeneye 007.

007 nightfire maps goldeneye source

Note from racketboy: I felt this piece from fastbilly1 did a wonderful job looking at one of the most pivotal console FPSs and how it is still relevant and practical today.

007 nightfire maps goldeneye source